Monday, June 22, 2015

Row Your Boat (or Movies to Wake Up By)

Row your boat gently down the stream. Merrilly, oh merilly, merrily, life is but a dream.

Ever notice how sci-fi movies and  sci-fi TV shows are trying to tell us something?

The early hints of awakening seem to be littered all over film and TV and comic books.

Here's a few snippets for thought...

  • Ground Hog's Day -- Oh my, learn the lessons or keep coming back...over-and-over until I change something.  I hated the concept of reincarnation.  Then it started making sense one day
  • The Truman Show -- Yup, there's people up above watching and cheering us on...C'mon Truman, wake up and don't just go through the actions of status quo.  Pay attention and notice those funny hints and coincidences.  Yup, your instincts are right on. trust them. Break through that fake dome world to the real world.  The stuff you've been seeing was the facade.  Go up those stairs and rip through the dream to the real deal.  Yeah, everyone is cheering.
  • Quantum Leap -- Well, a bit predictable, but it was 1989, so awakening was kind of new to some of us.  Jump around to our different lives and fix stuff, learn stuff.  Like a computer, as the operating system slices out the CPU functions to the various tasks...just like us.... slicing out the CPU to those different lives.  Jumping around....simultaneous lives.
  • Jacob's Ladder -- Well, it's not sci-fi, but certainly has commentary about dying.  If there is not time, then in a few seconds or minutes, our whole life could flash through in a long story. This confusing poignant film disturbs me. It was on the 3rd viewing when I finally felt like I understood part of the message.  Years later, I see another level, that if this film as humanoids on this planet earth is just a dream, then this film certainly describes the dream.  As any great classic film, there are many levels of meaning and interpretation in this film.
  • City of Angels and Michael -- Love these films and enjoy the magic of knowing there is so much we don't know.  Of course, I form my own doctrines and hope that angels can reincarnate many times... like in the Seth Books....come back many times and evolve into whatever form will serve one with the most learning for that time.
  • 2000 Space Odyssey -- Definitely a film I don't totally get, but last time I saw it, the end sure seemed like a reincarnation event.
  • X- Men -- Another great film.  It's all about the gifts...learning them, not abusing them, and when to hide, when to reveal.
  • Contact -- Love this film with so many layers.  Hypocrisy  and religion vs. Science is one big them.  When Arroway (played by Foster) goes through the tunnel of colors in the ship...sure looks like leaving this human life to me.  She arrives at the other place and the ET put's on the form of her father -- for familiarity to her; downloads her mind. Tells her that is how it's been done for ages.  Lots of stuff in this great film.  Time travel in a few minutes.  On and on. So many layers in this favorite flick.
  • The Matrix -- Can't leave this one off the list.  This film has tons of stuff.  Take the pill; don't take the pill.  Open the hatch and go down...but once you do, you can't go back.  Oh my.  Way too many layers of meaning...but a great resource when you need help in terms of feeling like you are in a war.  Some days the war is my brain; some days the war is status quo and being trapped in the corporate world.  Some days I want to put the embilical cord back on and numb out. Some days, I want to be the Oracle and prophesy a faster happy ending.  Some days I want them all go on vacation.
  • Blade Runner -- She's a replicant...she doesn't know it.   Uh oh... guess what...wére all replicants.  Watch from the humanoid...that's what one starts doing when they figure out they are a replicant.    Told this to a friend once...He said -- "Think about this -- Let the watcher watch the watcher...who watches the replicant!"  Oh my.  Still working on just watching the replicant.  But...the replicant knows she is one...and the watcher is watching once in a while.

Weekly TV series - So Many that Went off  theAir:
  • Heroes: People's gifts start popping up as they evolve and they get freaked out, but eventually learn how to work with their gifts
  • Dark Angel:  Just love this show.  The words, "She must fight to learn her destiny" haunt me.
  • Sliders: Going to other parallel worlds
  • Stargate: Going through the portal.  Guy with symbol over his 3rd eye seems to be the     leader.
  •  Fringe:  One about the agents who went into the other world via the water and putting some electrodes onto their heads...can't recall the name, but they got to the other side.

Well, these are just snippets of thoughts that run through my mind at times when I feel like I see some crazy connection as I learn and grow on a path of awareness.  I often connect the brain snippets with film and TV.   These surface comments are dreadfully superficial, but nevertheless, fun...when thinking about the hints that are all around us!

Row, row, row your boat...gently down the stream.  Merilly, oh merilly, life is but a dream.

The dictionary morphs

As new words are invented every day in our digital world, words also cease to exist in our language.

What happened to the word "cannot?"   When this word was not found in the Microsoft Word spell checker, it started disappearing from the language.

Oh my, and you thought Big Brother is watching you was merely Google farming your email for keywords to seed their ads.  Well, Big Brother has the power of language.  And some say that the language of the culture has much influence.... that language shapes the depth of our understanding of the world.

Hmmm....guess I'll go meditate and empty my mind of words.  Let the intuitions begin.

The Giant Worldwide HUM - Any One Notice a Difference Recently?

Yes, I was as shocked as possibly could be when I started hearing the "giant worldwide hum"  about three to four months ago. More ...