When others ride the elevator, I find myself observing my fellow riders. I am surprised how nonchalantly everyone checks themselves out, as if they are alone in the world. After about a week of wondering why the elevator mirrors are so hard to resist, I realized why we are so attracted to our own image. I was surprised by the answer, as at first, I thought perhaps we are all just egotistical, bordering upon narcissism.

If other realms, states of being, and dimensions do not have the time and space visual experience that we have here, imagine how intriguing this journey really is! We have the gift of being cloaked with a wondrous beauty. Our senses can engage is a visual feast, a lovely symphony of sounds, an oasis of touch, the aromatic flight of aromas, the tasting of luscious fruits bursting with fireworks upon the buds of senses.

We know on some level that we are amazing, and the body we get to travel this life with is happy to be worn, taken out for a parade of color and dance, while we rejoice in the visual rainbow of being a life force born in this realm, free to create, love, grow, learn, and expand!
Let the mirrors reflect the beauty that you are, the beauty that we all really are.
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