Friday, September 20, 2013

Dear Microsoft Designers of Word

Dear Microsoft, Please change a feature of Word backward several years ago -- when it had a nice feature: There used to be a thick border at the top so one could drag the top window readily. These past few years, since the advent of 2007 and 2010, i spend half my working time fumbling around trying to grab the edge of the window to drag the document where I want it to lay. Even though I work with two large monitors, this need is still quite prevalent. (Oh, when I work remote on one small monitor, my loss of time increases.) Oh, whatever happened to the days of asking the user what they want? the laments of an ex-programmer (who took all the classes on huge phase being: Find out what the users really want.)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The devil of this century

For many years, since childhood, I had heard that Satan is the ultimate evil one.
After reading again tonight about the decline of our food in the United States, and the ill-effects from GMO (genetically modified organism) foods (or so-called foods), I am convinced that GMO's are the modern day evil.
So, to sum it up: Rearrange the letters in Monsanto and here is what you get:
Mon Satan -- Mon being "my" in French: My Satan
Tháts what GMO's are to me: The ultimate evil, the Satan.
I digress here a bit:
Say goodbye to the honey bees. Say good bye so pollination; say goodbye to food crops. Say goodbye to your children and your grand-children. (Some studies indicate the die-off of large populations of bees past seven years is due to the pesticides embedded in GMO crops.)
Bravo to you Europe -- for requiring labeling of GMO foods.
Let us pray for Americans to wake up and start protesting again. Let us pray for the 60's -- hippies and activist to stand up and say, we're tired of greed running the country via corporate greed.
(I have stopped buying stocks. It's not much of a catalyst...but it's a start. Maybe it's a far-fetched way to begin change. If we stop the corporate profit, the greed will have to move elsewhere. If the corporation MonSatan loses its power, the people get their power back.)
Let's wake up, one by one. If not with greed and eating healthy, let's just wake-up for our own growth.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why does the retired guy with the two acre back behind my home always do his 2 hour mowing on a Sunday afternoon when I sit on my deck??

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Adobe Photoshop CS 6

Photoshop CS 6 is so dreadful, that I am compelled to post a public negative comment about Adobe for the first time ever. I have loved Adobe products for years. I was a fan of Macromedia products, and Photoshop ever since using it 10 years ago. CS6 is a dreadful mess for so many reasons. If you want to have any type, forget it. I have been trying for 45 minutes to place two sentences. The crop tool is all messed up. Other tools are a mess. I want to swap CS6 for ANY other version. I will be dragging out an old machine just to use CS2.

The Giant Worldwide HUM - Any One Notice a Difference Recently?

Yes, I was as shocked as possibly could be when I started hearing the "giant worldwide hum"  about three to four months ago. More ...