Thursday, December 18, 2014

Long Date and End of the Mayan Calendar

Here's a thought that keeps coming back to me about the end of the Mayan Calendar if using the Long Date:

Per many authorities, the Mayan Calendar ended on 12/21/2012.

For this past year, I'm learning over-and-over that time and space don't actually exist; but we are sense-based humans, so in our perceptions of reality, time and space seems to exist. we learn to live in the moment (due to increasing our awareness and consciousness), we are able to perceive that when we truly live in the moment, we are set free from time.

So, perhaps the Mayans were somehow aware  that the time of great awakening would be dawning upon the humans and the planet earth.... and that is why the Mayan Calendar ended.

The ending of the calendar could serve as a confirmation to us....that yes, indeed, we are awakening,  and that we are on the right path....of awareness... that time is an element of physical-dimension awareness; and as we become fully awakened, it will make sense; we will know that we are timeless, and all one.  There is no beginning and no end -- There just is the Infinite perfect One.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Trouble sleeping? Check the modified chemical stuff spiking the cells

Last night, I started to sleep, but instead, woke up abruptly and spent the majority of the night wide awake, and feeling like I had a chemical spike!

As I lay there, I wondered if I had any MSG in my food in the evening, as MSG is usually the culprit to blame when I cannot sleep.  (Authorities consider MSG a brain irritant.)  For years, I have avoided MSG.

Well, lo-and-behold, this morning (late morning) as I checked the ingredients of my evening meal, I found "modified food starch" in the pumpkin pie that I bought from a large popular food bulk wholesaler.  

Modified anything sounds suspicious.  (I avoid genetically modified foods as much as possible.)

After an internet search, I learn that modified food starch is a genetically modified substance.  Ugh.

Oh my, I didn't even read the label when I grabbed the tempting, but economical $6 pie at the store.

Upon further research, I learned via the helpful link below, that modified food starch is suspected of containing the chemical in monosodium glutamate -- which is: "processed free glutamic acid."

"The following are ingredients suspected of containing or creating sufficient processed free glutamic acid to serve as MSG-reaction triggers in HIGHLY SENSITIVE people..."   

Please visit the direct link for more information:

Well, my body told me in no uncertain terms that I was experiencing the brain irritant-like symptoms of MSG.  That's proof enough for me.

Someone once said, 'the body never lies."   So, I am listening.  No more pumpkin pie from my favorite bulk food store.

And no more grabbing food without judisciously reading the labels!

I asked my city-of-cells to forgive me.  Lesson learned:  Read all food labels.  

May we collectively advocate in this country -- that we receive proper labeling here in the U.S.  We have quite a lot of work to do in that arena!

The Giant Worldwide HUM - Any One Notice a Difference Recently?

Yes, I was as shocked as possibly could be when I started hearing the "giant worldwide hum"  about three to four months ago. More ...